Top pic : giant sugar cookie Bottom pic: Texas sunrise
I (Paula) arrived safely home last night. The rest of the fam is in Disneyworld - and they sound positively giddy to be rid of me! But more about me..... As a fearful flyer, I never enjoy flying ......but ...... when the United State Army Drill Team is onboard and taking up half of the plane - what girl wouldn't enjoy the flight? No crying babies or misbehaving teens, no sloppy drunks harassing the attendants on this trip! Just handsome, strapping young men who could take out any terrorists that were foolish enough to try anything on our flight. It was so reassuring to know that even if there was not an air marshal on board, a whole team of Army guys could take care of anything. Anyway, before my "safest, most relaxing, flight ever" I spent 3 days with my friend Rosemarie in San Antonio and had a wonderful time. The picture of the big Texas cookie is from a fabulous old-time, diet busting, Alsatian bakery in the little old, old town of Castroville, TX. It was settled by Alsatians and has retained a lot of the old French charm (without the French attitude and WITH the Texas hospitality). It's just a small quaint town outside of San Antonio but we managed to spend the day there and had a wonderful time. Before the family left S.A. we took Rosemarie out to celebrate her Feb birthday a little early at Benihana. Our authentic Japanese chef, Vince Martinez, from the southside of Austin (but with a Brooklyn-like accent), entertained us with flying shrimp, an onion volcano, an onion locomotive that chugged across the grill, and assorted shenanigans at the table/grill. Bob and Kelly left San Antonio at 1:30 a.m.! Unshackled by my good sense and reasonable demands, they drove across country without stopping overnight. They arrived in Disneyworld about 18 hours later and sounded tired but ebullent to be back in their most magical place on earth. All resulting phonecalls have had Bob excitedly telling me about the nonstop Disney touring they are doing and Kelly giggling from the fun she is having. You wouldn't hear THAT frivolity in their voices if I were there to be making my demands for afternoon naps and regular tea time breaks and, God fordid, taking time to sit still! Anyway, I'm closing out this roadtrip with the thought that it truly is "America the Beautiful."